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CURRENT E X H I B I T I O N - 2 0 1 5
March Members' Theme Exhibition - "Celebrating the Big Apple"
March 2 - March 28, 2015
“Celebrating the Big Apple” will be your survey of any and all aspects of the life or history of New York City. It’s buildings, landscape and people. New York is more than just Manhattan, so feel free to include your own favorite NY borough or neighborhood. From realism to abstraction, our city is open to an endless variety of focus and interpretations: the glorious to the seedy, its past to the present, there’s a world of choice awaiting your vision.
The people, the food, the parks, the architecture, the parades, the streets, the manhole covers, the Great White Way,
the bridges, the traffic, the seaways, the stores, the city’s rich and famous and the city’s down and out…use your creativity and skills to show us YOUR NEW YORK CITY.
See Award Winners below. Judge: Kevin McEvoy

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