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Mary Ann Klein


“I have a deep affection for the eastern end of Long Island. Most of my paintings are from sketches or photos I have taken over the years. My husband and I would drive our old jeep over sand on outer beaches, walk the dunes, and trek through ancient dune structures where the sand covers old gnarled oak trees. We walked the beaches in the evening, when the moon poked through the clouds illuminating the beach as the soulful cry of seagulls followed us. It has become the place to which we always return. We never tire of experiencing the natural changes and adaptations of a special land. My thanks to my husband and fellow traveler, Bill, who shares with me the sight of rainbows as waves hit the rocks beneath the lighthouse.”

Teachers that Mary Ann has taken art lessons with include: Angelo John Grado, Jim Ford, Ralph Acosta, Pedro Pacheco, and Howard Rose. Her work has been on display at two and three-person shows in the Depot Gallery, Montauk; annual Montauk artists shows; outdoor shows on the green; Montauk Christopher Gallery, Stony Brook; Guild Member Show and Clothesline show. She is the recipient of many medals and awards over the years including a silver and bronze medal, and a merit ribbon. Mary Ann’s artwork is in the collection of Perry B Duryea, Jr. and Arthur Dunnam, collector and designer.


Mary Ann is currently the Correspondence Secretary for the National Art League and served as Director for the Montauk Artists Association for 9 years.


For more information about her artwork, she can be contacted at 718-281-1502 or emailed at:

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